Basic Steps When Getting Started with Oracle Card


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When we first approach Oracle, we will see that Oracle is not like Tarot. Tarot has an extremely tight system and is full of all knowledge about mysticism, history, astrology, etc. Oracle is equally complete but tends to be free, open, and puts on its own unique color through self-created systems or an existing but innovative system. So before entering Oracle, what basic steps do we need to go through, how to approach Oracle systematically?

1. Research the Oracle deck you want to use first

Suppose one fine day, there is an Oracle deck that catches your eye, you accidentally fall in love with that deck and want to find a way to own that deck but you still don't know what the deck looks like, what the structure and content of the deck are, whether it is suitable for you or not,... Then the first step in getting started is to learn about the Oracle deck that you want to use. There are 2 ways to learn about your dream Oracle deck:

  • Method 1: If you want to learn by yourself, go to Google and search for all the information and images about that deck. If you want to be more thorough in terms of visual perception, go to YouTube and search for a video introducing the deck you want to own.
  • Method 2: If you want to find out for real, contact your friends who own that deck, meet them and feel the deck in real life right in front of your eyes to make a clearer decision about whether this deck is right for you or not.

An example of searching online for the Oracle deck you want to own

Method 1 is the most popular method because it is easy and comfortable, we can just sit at home and feel the deck. Method 2 will be more convenient and thorough if we are a person with wide relationships or know friends who also use that Oracle deck.

2. Learn the knowledge in the Oracle deck

Just like Tarot, each Oracle deck carries its own knowledge. Some decks carry general knowledge about prophecy, or knowledge about angels, mythology, animals, numerology, etc. In addition, there is practical knowledge such as the law of attraction, love and connection with the universe, connection with oneself, meditation, listening to intuition. But after all, Oracle still carries within itself the foundation of guidance, spiritual encouragement and advice to make our lives better.

Each Oracle set contains its own knowledge.

Learning about that knowledge in advance also partly answers the question “Is that Oracle deck right for you?”. In a case, if you choose an Oracle deck that is not suitable for the knowledge you want to conquer, learning will be a waste of time. Therefore, learning about the deck is not enough, you must learn more about the knowledge contained in that Oracle deck to help you make wiser choices.

3. Determine your purpose

“Do you really want to approach Oracle or is it just a passing fancy?”

This is a question that many of you always encounter when preparing to start Oracle. For me, Oracle is a subject that everyone can approach but not everyone can easily go long term if we do not have 3 things:

  • Passion: This is the first intense emotion that we must have when we first want to conquer something. When you truly love and are willing to do everything for your passion, it means you are ready to enter Oracle!
  • Diligence : Passion alone is not enough, it must be accompanied by diligence. Diligence is a good virtue in studying, there is no subject that does not require study, without experiencing difficulties, how can we know how important what we are pursuing is? Let's increase our diligence and hard work, then all the efforts we put in will never be wasted!
  • Have a purpose in life: This is the factor that determines all your efforts. The purpose is still the final result after every learning process. What do you want to learn Oracle for? To gain more knowledge about a certain aspect of life or to learn more about other types of prophecy besides Tarot. There are countless purposes, if you have clearly defined the purpose of approaching Oracle, then you are clearly the most suitable person to become an Oracle Reader. Having a specific purpose makes the passion and diligence we put in worthwhile!

Clarify your purpose to know whether we should continue to choose to start Oracle or not. After having everything, your next step is to buy an Oracle set to practice!

4. Once you have your dream Oracle deck, look through everything in the box.

After owning the dream Oracle deck, the next thing we will do is see what's inside the box:

  • Look at the guidebook: Why do we look at the guidebook first? Because looking at the guidebook at the beginning will help us understand more about the purpose of the deck, how to use it, and the meaning of the Oracle deck. We only look at it briefly because while reading the cards, we can still look more closely at the meaning of each card.
  • View the deck: After reading the instruction book, we have to look at all the cards, count to see if we have enough cards as written on the outside of the box, our first impressions of the card images,...

Open the box and feel

A deck usually contains two things: the instruction booklet and the cards.

See manual 

View all decks

5. Using your Oracle deck and things to keep in mind

To connect with the Oracle deck, you just have to use it. But for some of you, starting to use Oracle will be difficult for them. Here are some things to do in drawing and reading cards to help you create a connection with your own Oracle deck:

  • Ask questions: The more specific and clear the question, the better. Avoid asking vague, unclear questions because the Oracle card will not be able to help you give the most complete answer.
  • Shuffling the cards:  Similar to Tarot, you can refer to how to shuffle the cards at  Tarot Shuffling Method
  • Draw 1 card: Randomly draw 1 card and this card has many messages, it can be a piece of advice or a prophecy for you. If you feel full of energy or you understand this first message, it means that you have successfully established a connection with the deck.
  • Specific readings: Read the cards yourself or find someone to read them, this will increase your connection with the deck, in addition to helping you quickly understand the meaning as well as the purpose of the Oracle. You can draw freely or use a spread, but in Oracle, I encourage more free drawing because the nature of Oracle is still free and not constrained by a framework. Use it your way!
  • Note taking is essential: Record all the processes you use so you can explore the results at a later time. Get yourself a notebook to take more specific notes, or you can choose to write them in the Notes section of your phone.

6. Self-reflection and self-experience seeking

Oracle is a form of divination used for self-reflection and development on the path of spiritual awakening. When we approach Oracle, it means that we choose to believe in the Universe, believe that we will be guided by the Universe. Self-reflection is a way to draw lessons and experiences for each use. Although there will always be difficulties on your journey, never be discouraged, achieving success also takes time, seek out experiences yourself to make your journey more colorful and brighter. Understanding this, one day you will also succeed.

Self-reflection is the best way to gain experience.

7. Improve yourself by learning more outside knowledge

In addition to approaching Oracle, you need to cultivate other knowledge that contributes significantly to your learning process. Issues you should learn:

  • Psychology: understanding your own or other people's psychology will help you orient and give better advice.
  • Energy – Color: The theory of energy and color contributes to your understanding of the process of life.
  • Intuition: intuition is the most honest answer that everyone needs to know how to listen to.
  • Communication: communication increases your ability to connect with people in case we read for others.

And finally, I wish all of you who have been and are approaching Oracle to succeed on the path you have chosen. Always persevere in learning and never give up. If you think about giving up, think about why you started approaching Oracle. Believe that one day you will conquer this subject and hope that Oracle will help you in your journey of self-development.

Good luck on your Oracle journey!